Karachi to Lahore Train Timings and Ticket Prices. Please note that timings and prices may vary, so it’s always best to check with Pakistan Railways or their official website for the most accurate and updated information.
Train Name | Departure (Karachi) | Arrival (Lahore) | Ticket Price (Approx.) | Frequency |
Green Line Express | 11:00 PM | 4:00 PM (Next Day) | Economy: ~PKR 2,500 | Daily |
Karachi Express | 6:00 PM | 11:00 AM (Next Day) | Economy: ~PKR 2,000 | Daily |
Tezgam Express | 5:00 PM | 10:00 AM (Next Day) | Economy: ~PKR 2,200 | Daily |
Allama Iqbal Express | 8:00 AM | 11:00 PM | Economy: ~PKR 2,300 | Daily |
Shalimar Express | 7:00 AM | 10:00 PM | Economy: ~PKR 2,400 | Daily |
- Travel Time: Approximately 17-21 hours depending on the train.
- Ticket Prices:
- Economy Class: ~PKR 2,000–2,500
- AC Lower/AC Business: ~PKR 5,000–8,000 (prices may vary).
- Booking: Tickets can be booked online via Pakistan Railways or at the station.